Source code for tomopy_cli.flat_drift_correction

import numpy as np
import h5py
import sys
import os
from itertools import islice
from scipy import ndimage
import logging

__all__ = ['chunk', 'apply_shift', 'find_min_max', 'register_shift_sift', 'flat_drift_correction']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def chunk(iterable, size): """Splitting by chunks""" it = iter(iterable) item = list(islice(it, size)) while item: yield np.array(item) item = list(islice(it, size))
[docs]def apply_shift(data, p): """Apply (p[0],p[1]) shift of data""" res = data.copy() for k in range(data.shape[0]): res[k] = ndimage.shift(data[k],p[k],mode='nearest',order=1) return res
[docs]def find_min_max(flat): """Find min and max values according to histogram""" h, e = np.histogram(flat[:], 1000) stend = np.where(h > np.max(h)*0.005) st = stend[0][0] end = stend[0][-1] mmin = e[st] mmax = e[end+1] return mmin, mmax
[docs]def register_shift_sift(data, flat): """Find shifts via SIFT detecting features""" import cv2 mmin, mmax = find_min_max(flat) sift = cv2.SIFT_create() shifts = np.zeros([data.shape[0], 2], dtype='float32') for id in range(data.shape[0]): tmp1 = ((data[id]-mmin) / (mmax-mmin)*255) tmp1[tmp1 > 255] = 255 tmp1[tmp1 < 0] = 0 tmp2 = ((flat-mmin) / (mmax-mmin)*255) tmp2[tmp2 > 255] = 255 tmp2[tmp2 < 0] = 0 # find key points tmp1 = tmp1.astype('uint8') tmp2 = tmp2.astype('uint8') kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(tmp1, None) kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(tmp2, None) # cv2.imwrite('original_image_right_keypoints.png', # cv2.drawKeypoints(tmp1, kp1, None)) # cv2.imwrite('original_image_left_keypoints.png', # cv2.drawKeypoints(tmp2, kp2, None)) match = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = match.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2) good = [] for m, n in matches: if m.distance < 0.5*n.distance: good.append(m) draw_params = dict(matchColor=(0, 255, 0), singlePointColor=None, flags=2) tmp3 = cv2.drawMatches(tmp1, kp1, tmp2, kp2, good, None, **draw_params) # cv2.imwrite("original_image_drawMatches.jpg", tmp3) src_pts = np.float32( [kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst_pts = np.float32( [kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) shift = (src_pts-dst_pts)[:, 0, :] shifts[id] = np.median(shift, axis=0)[::-1] #print( #f'number of matched points for data {id}: {len(good)}, found shifts:{shifts[id]}') if(len(good)==0): log.warning(f'no feature matches, set shift to 0') shifts[id] = 0 return shifts
[docs]def flat_drift_correction(params): """ Fix drift of flat field during data acquistion by using a small region not containing the sample. Note: the method may not work if the region contains a part of the sample """ file_name = params.file_name xs = params.flat_region_startx xe = params.flat_region_endx ys = params.flat_region_starty ye = params.flat_region_endy proj_chunk = params.nproj_per_chunk average_shift = params.average_shift_per_chunk'file name {file_name}')'flat region x:({xs}-{xe}), y:({ys}-{ye})')'average shift per chunk:{average_shift}') file_out_name = str(file_name)[:-3]+'_corr.h5''create a new h5 file {file_out_name}') with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as file_fid: with h5py.File(file_out_name, 'w') as file_out_fid: data = file_fid['exchange/data'] flat = file_fid['exchange/data_white'][:].astype('float32') dark = file_fid['exchange/data_dark'][:].astype('float32') for a in file_fid.attrs: file_out_fid.attrs[a] = file_fid.attrs[a] for d in file_fid: if 'exchange' == d: file_out_fid.create_group('exchange') for dd in file_fid[d]: if 'data' != dd: file_fid.copy('exchange/'+dd,file_out_fid['exchange']) else: file_fid.copy(d,file_out_fid) data_corr = file_out_fid.create_dataset("/exchange/data", data.shape, chunks=(1, data.shape[1], data.shape[2]), dtype='float') flat_corr = file_out_fid['exchange/data_white'] dark_corr = file_out_fid['exchange/data_dark'] flat_corr[:] = 1 dark_corr[:] = 0'register flat fields') dark_median = np.median(dark, axis=0) dark_median_part = dark_median[ys:ye, xs:xe] flat_part = flat[:, ys:ye, xs:xe] shifts = register_shift_sift(flat_part-dark_median_part,np.median(flat_part-dark_median_part, axis=0)) flat_shift = apply_shift(flat, -shifts) flat_shift_median = np.median(flat_shift, axis=0) flat_shift_median_part = flat_shift_median[ys:ye, xs:xe] for ids in chunk(range(data.shape[0]),proj_chunk): # find flat field shifts w.r.t. each projection by using small parts without sample'processing projections {ids[0]}-{ids[-1]}') # read data part data_part = data[ids, ys:ye, xs:xe][:].astype('float32') # register shifts shifts = register_shift_sift(data_part-dark_median_part, flat_shift_median_part-dark_median_part) if(average_shift): ashift = np.median(shifts,axis=0)'average shift {ashift}') shifts[:] = ashift # read chunk of projections data_chunk = data[ids][:].astype('float32') # apply shifts' flat_shift_median_shift = apply_shift(np.tile(flat_shift_median,[data_chunk.shape[0],1,1]), shifts) dark_median_shift = apply_shift(np.tile(dark_median,[data_chunk.shape[0],1,1]), shifts) # apply flat field correction data_corr_chunk = (data_chunk-dark_median)/(flat_shift_median_shift-dark_median_shift+1e-5) data_corr[ids] = data_corr_chunk'data is saved to {file_out_name}')