

To do a tomographic reconstruction:

$ tomopy recon --file-name /local/data.h5

from the command line. To get correct results, you will likely need to provide reconstruction parameters as options, such as --rotation-axis to set the rotation axis position:

$ tomopy recon --rotation-axis 1024.0 --file-name /local/data.h5

To list all available options, use:

$ tomopy recon -h

Reconstruction Parameters

The behavior of tomopy-cli is controlled by reconstruction parameters, which can be given in one of three ways, in order of precedence:

  1. Directly as Command Line Arguments (e.g. --rotation-axis=1024.0).

  2. Per-tomogram in a YAML Parameter File given as the argument to the --parameter-file option.

  3. In the Global Configuration File.

Command Line Arguments

The simplest way to give a reconstruction parameter is to directly pass it as an option to the tomopy command. Some options also accept an argument, while others simple enable certain behavior. Parameters given directly via the command line will override those given via a parameter file or global configuration file.

For example, to specify the rotation center of 1023, apply Vo’s stripe removal algorithms, and enable automatic reading of the pixel size for a tomogram stored in my_tomogram.h5, use:

$ tomopy recon --file-name my_tomogram.h5 --rotation-center 1023.0 --remove-stripe-method vo-all --pixel-size-auto

YAML Parameter File

In some cases, many tomograms need to be reconstructed with slightly different parameters. A common example of this is the rotation axis (discussed in detail below), which may drift over the course of an operando experiment. This can be done with a YAML file containing the extra parameters for each tomogram:

  rotation-axis: 1023.0
  rotation-axis: 1025.0
  reconstruction-algorithm: gridrec

Any parameters specified in this way will override those in the Global Configuration File. The filenames listed in the YAML file can be relative to the current working directory, including subdirectories, but cannot use other file-system shortcuts (e.g. “..”, “~”).


tomopy-cli does not modify parameters other than those given. In the above example, specifying a rotation axis will have no effect if --rotation-axis-auto=auto, since the rotation axis will be calculated, and the value of --rotation-axis is then ignored.

Global Configuration File

Reconstruction parameters can also be stored in a global configuration file specified with the --config option (default: tomopy.conf). You can create a template with:

$ tomopy init

If tomopy-cli is invoked with the --config-update option, then the configuration file is updated to keep track of the last stored parameters, as initalized by $ tomopy init or modified by setting a new option value. For example to re-run the last reconstrusction with identical parameters just use:

$ tomopy recon

To run a reconstruction with a different and previously stored configuration file alternate_tomopy.conf just use:

$ tomopy recon --config alternate_tomopy.conf

Output Folder

The output folder for reconstructed data can be given with the --output-folder option. The other configuration parameters can be inserted with curly braces:

$ tomopy recon --output-folder={file_name}_rec

An additional parameter ({file_name_parent}) is available with the path of the parent directory. If --file-name is a directory, then {file_name_parent} will contain the directory itself. If --file-name is a file, then {file_name_parent} will be the parent directory of the file. The following lines will both place reconstructed data in the directory /path/to/my/data_rec/:

$ tomopy recon --file-name=/path/to/my/data/file.hdf --output-folder={file_name_parent}_rec/
$ tomopy recon --file-name=/path/to/my/data/ --output-folder={file_name_parent}_rec/

Find Center

To automatically find the rotation axes locations of all tomographic HDF data sets in a folder (e.g. /local/data/), use:

$ tomopy find_center --file-name /local/data/

this generates, in the /local/data/ directory, a YAML file (default: extra_params.yaml) containing all the automatically calculated centers:

    rotation-axis: 1287.25
    rotation-axis: 1297.75
    rotation-axis: 1287.25
    rotation-axis: 1297.75
    rotation-axis: 1287.25
    rotation-axis: 1297.75

If the YAML file already exists, it will be updated with the new rotation axes.

To list all available options:

$ tomopy find_center -h

After using $ tomopy find_center, one can do tomographic reconstructions of all tomographic HDF data sets in a folder (e.g. /local/data/) with:

$ tomopy recon --file-name /local/data/

Stripe Removal

Several methods of stripe removal are available in tomopy-cli, and can be selected with the --remove-stripe-method parameter. Each method may also have a set of associated parameters for controlling its behavior (e.g. --remove-stripe-method=fw relies on --fw-sigma, --fw-filter, etc.).

More information about each method and the accompanying parameters can be found in the corresponding tomopy documentation:


--remove-stripe-method= Value

Tomopy Function







Smoothing Filter



Vo’s Algorithms




$ tomopy -h
usage: tomopy [-h] [--config FILE] [--version]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  File name of configuration file
  --version      show program's version number and exit


    init         Create configuration file
    recon        Run tomographic reconstruction
    status       Show the tomographic reconstruction status
    segment      Run segmentation on reconstured data
    find_center  Find rotation axis location for all hdf files in a directory
    convert      Convert pre-2015 (proj, dark, white) hdf files in a single
                 data exchange h5 file