Source code for tomopy_cli.find_center

import os
import logging
import traceback
from pathlib import Path

import yaml
import tomopy
import numpy as np
import h5py
from skimage.filters import gaussian
import skimage.feature

from tomopy_cli import prep
from tomopy_cli import config
from tomopy_cli import file_io
from tomopy_cli import util
from tomopy_cli.logging import log_exception

__all__ = ['find_rotation_axis',]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def find_rotation_axis(params): fname = Path(params.file_name) ra_yaml_fname = params.parameter_file if fname.suffix == ".yaml": h5_file_list = file_io.yaml_file_list(fname) parent_dir = fname.parent elif fname.is_dir(): # h5_file_list = list(filter(lambda x: x.suffix in ('.h5', '.hdf'), fname.iterdir())) h5_file_list.sort() # Prepend the directory to each file name parent_dir = fname elif fname.is_file(): h5_file_list = None else: log.error("Directory or File Name does not exist: %s " % fname) return # Do the rotation center finding if h5_file_list is None: return _find_rotation_axis(params) else: # Find the center of a bunch of files"Found: %s" % [str(f) for f in h5_file_list])"Determining the rotation axis location") dic_centers = {} failed_files = [] for i, this_fname in enumerate(h5_file_list): h5fname = parent_dir / this_fname params.file_name = h5fname try: params = _find_rotation_axis(params) except Exception as err: # This file failed, but we can keep going and try the rest of the files failed_files.append(this_fname) # Log the exception and stacktrace log.error(" *** find center failed: %s", repr(err)) log_exception(log, err, fmt=" %s") else: params.file_name = str(fname) key = str(this_fname.relative_to(parent_dir)) dic_centers[key] = {"rotation-axis": float(params.rotation_axis)}" *** file: %s (%d/%d); rotation axis %f", fname, i, len(h5_file_list), params.rotation_axis) # Open the existing YAML file to get any previously set parameters yfname = parent_dir / ra_yaml_fname if yfname.exists(): log.debug("Updating existing parameters file: %s", yfname) with open(yfname, 'r') as fp: all_params = yaml.safe_load( else: all_params = {} # Fix None values in the dictionary all_params = {k:({} if v is None else v) for k, v in all_params.items()} # Update previous parameters with new rotation centers all_params = util.update_dict(all_params, dic_centers) # Save YAML file containing the rotation axis yaml_dump = yaml.dump(all_params) with open(yfname, "w") as f: f.write(yaml_dump)"Rotation axis locations save in: %s", yfname) # Report list of failed files so it's not buried in the log if len(failed_files) > 0: log.error("Some rotation centers could not be found: %s", ", ".join([str(f) for f in failed_files])) return params
def _find_rotation_axis(params):" *** calculating automatic center") data_size = file_io.get_dx_dims(params) ssino = int(data_size[1] * params.nsino) params = file_io.read_pixel_size(params) params = file_io.read_filter_materials(params) params = file_io.read_scintillator(params) params = file_io.read_bright_ratio(params) # Select sinogram range to reconstruct sino_start = ssino sino_end = sino_start + pow(2, int(params.binning)) sino = (int(sino_start), int(sino_end)) if(params.start_proj): sproj = params.start_proj else: sproj = 0 if(params.end_proj or params.end_proj<0): eproj = params.end_proj else: eproj = data_shape[0] pproj = (sproj, eproj) # Read APS 32-BM raw data proj, flat, dark, theta, params_rotation_axis_ignored = file_io.read_tomo(sino, pproj, params, True) # apply all preprocessing functions data = prep.all(proj, flat, dark, params, sino) # if flip and stitch, just use the overlapped part of the dataset if params.file_type == 'flip_and_stich': params = _find_rotation_axis_flip_stitch(data, params) else: # find rotation center" *** find_center vo") # if we start at 0 and end at 180, remove last angle if np.isclose(theta[-1] - theta[0], np.pi, 1e-4): data = data[:-1,...] params.rotation_axis = tomopy.find_center_vo(data) * np.power(2, float(params.binning)) params.rotation_axis_flip = -1" *** automatic center: %f" % params.rotation_axis) return params def _find_rotation_axis_flip_stitch(data, params): '''Code to find the center of rotation for a flip-and-stitch scan. Unlike for 0-180 degree scans, we have images from two angles 180 degrees apart to compare in the region viewed at all angles. '''' *** *** finding rotation axis for flip-and-stitch scan') #Make images of the two halves of the sinogram #Only use the part near the rotation_axis_flip' *** *** using overlap area, original rotation-axis-flip = {0:f}' .format(params.rotation_axis_flip)) column_slice = None if params.rotation_axis_flip < data.shape[2]//2: column_slice = slice(None, int(params.rotation_axis_flip * 2 + 1), 1) else: subset_size = int((data.shape[2] - params.rotation_axis_flip) * 2) - 1 column_slice = slice(-subset_size, None, 1) half_num_angles = data.shape[0]//2 img_0_180 = data[:half_num_angles,0,column_slice] img_180_360 = data[half_num_angles:2 * half_num_angles,0,column_slice] img_180_360 = np.flip(img_180_360, axis=1)' *** *** shape of images to correlate is ({0:d}, {1:d})' .format(*img_0_180.shape)) #Do an unsharp mask on these to get only the fine features and zero mean img_0_180 -= skimage.filters.gaussian(img_0_180, sigma=10, mode='reflect') img_180_360 -= skimage.filters.gaussian(img_180_360, sigma=10, mode='reflect') correlation_matrix = skimage.feature.match_template(img_0_180, img_180_360, pad_input=True) match_location = np.argmax(correlation_matrix[half_num_angles//2,:]) axis_shift = (match_location - params.rotation_axis_flip) / 2.0' *** *** match location = {:d}'.format(match_location))' *** *** axis shift = {:f}'.format(axis_shift)) params.rotation_axis_flip += axis_shift new_size = data.shape[2] + np.abs(axis_shift) * 2.0 params.rotation_axis = new_size / 2 - 0.5' *** *** rotation axis before stitch = {:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis_flip))' *** *** rotation axis = {:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis)) return params