Source code for tomopy_cli.file_io

import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import collections
import re
from typing import List

import h5py
import tomopy
import dxchange
import dxchange.reader as dxreader
import dxfile.dxtomo as dx
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline
import yaml

from tomopy_cli import __version__
from tomopy_cli import find_center
from tomopy_cli import config
from tomopy_cli import beamhardening

__author__ = "Francesco De Carlo, Viktor Nikitin, Alan Kastengren, Mark Wolfman"
__credits__ = "Pavel Shevchenko"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020, UChicago Argonne, LLC."
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = ['read_tomo', 'blocked_view', 'binning', 'flip_and_stitch', 'patch_projection', 
           'get_dx_dims', 'file_base_name', 'path_base_name', 'auto_read_dxchange', 'read_rot_center', 
           'read_filter_materials', 'read_filter_materials_tomoscan', 'read_pixel_size', 
           'read_scintillator', 'read_bright_ratio', 'check_item_exists_hdf', 'convert', 
           'write_hdf5', 'yaml_file_list']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_tomo(sino, proj, params, ignore_flip = False): """ Read in the tomography data. Parameters ---------- sino : tuple of (start_row, end_row) rows to be read in proj : tuple of (start_proj, end_proj) projections to be read in params : parameters for reconstruction Returns ------- ndarray 3D tomographic data. ndarray 3D flat field data. ndarray 3D dark field data. ndarray 1D theta in radian. float location of the rotation axis """ if (params.file_type == 'standard' or params.file_type == 'double_fov' or (params.file_type == 'flip_and_stich' and ignore_flip)): # Read APS 32-BM raw data." *** loading a stardard data set: %s" % params.file_name) proj, flat, dark, theta = _read_tomo(params, sino=sino, proj=proj) elif params.file_type == 'flip_and_stich':" *** loading a 360 deg flipped data set: %s" % params.file_name) proj360, flat360, dark360, theta360 = _read_tomo(params, sino=sino, proj=proj) proj, flat, dark, theta = flip_and_stitch(params, proj360, flat360, dark360, theta360) else: # params.file_type == 'mosaic': log.error(" *** loading a mosaic data set is not supported yet") exit() if params.correct_camera_nonlinearity:" *** correcting camera nonlinearity in flat fields") flat = camera_nonlinearity_correct(flat, params)" *** correcting camera nonlinearity in dark fields") dark = camera_nonlinearity_correct(dark, params)" *** correcting camera nonlinearity in projection fields") proj = camera_nonlinearity_correct(proj, params) if params.reverse:" *** correcting for 180-0 data collection") step_size = (theta[1] - theta[0]) theta_size = _read_theta_size(params) theta = np.linspace(np.pi, (0+step_size), theta_size) proj, theta = blocked_view(proj, theta, params) proj, flat, dark = binning(proj, flat, dark, params) rotation_axis = params.rotation_axis / np.power(2, float(params.binning))" *** rotation center: %f" % rotation_axis) return proj, flat, dark, theta, rotation_axis
def _read_theta_size(params): if (str(params.file_format) in {'dx', 'aps2bm', 'aps7bm', 'aps32id'}): theta_size = dxreader.read_dx_dims(params.file_name, 'data')[0] else: log.error(" *** %s is not a supported file format" % params.file_format) exit() return theta_size def _read_tomo(params, sino, proj): if (str(params.file_format) in {'dx', 'aps2bm', 'aps7bm', 'aps32id'}): # temporary work around #flat_file = '/local/data/2020-10/PazPuente/flat_samp2_417.h5' #print('flat fields are taken from:', flat_file) # proj_bad, flat, dark, theta_bad = dxchange.read_aps_32id(flat_file, sino=sino) # proj, flat_bad, dark_bad, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.file_name, sino=sino) proj, flat, dark, theta = dxchange.read_aps_32id(params.file_name, sino=sino, proj=proj)" *** %s is a valid dx file format" % params.file_name) # Check if the flat and dark fields are single images or sets if len(flat.shape) == len(proj.shape):' *** median filter flat images') # Do a median filter on the first dimension flat = np.median(flat, axis=0, keepdims=True).astype(flat.dtype) if dark is None: dark = np.zeros_like(proj[0,...]) if len(dark.shape) == len(proj.shape):' *** median filter dark images') # Do a median filter on the first dimension dark = np.median(dark, axis=0, keepdims=True).astype(dark.dtype) else: log.error(" *** %s is not a supported file format" % params.file_format) exit() return proj, flat, dark, theta
[docs]def blocked_view(proj, theta, params):" *** correcting for blocked view data collection") if params.blocked_views: log.warning(' *** *** ON') # miss_angles = [params.blocked_views_start, params.blocked_views_end] # # Manage the missing angles: # proj = np.concatenate((proj[0:miss_angles[0],:,:], proj[miss_angles[1]:,:,:]), axis=0) # theta = np.concatenate((theta[0:miss_angles[0]], theta[miss_angles[1]:])) # easier managing of missing angles: Viktor st = params.blocked_views_start end = params.blocked_views_end log.warning('%f %f',st,end) ids = np.where(((theta)%np.pi<st) + ((theta-st)%np.pi>end-st))[0] proj = proj[ids] theta = theta[ids] print(theta) else: log.warning(' *** *** OFF') return proj, theta
[docs]def binning(proj, flat, dark, params): """ Bin the tomography data. Parameters ---------- proj : projection data, 3D Numpy array flat : projection flatfield data, 2D Numpy array dark : projection dark field data, 2D Numpy array params : parameters for reconstruction Returns ------- ndarray 3D binned projection data. ndarray 2D binned flat field data. ndarray 2D binned dark field data. """" *** binning") if(params.binning == 0):' *** *** OFF') else: log.warning(' *** *** ON') log.warning(' *** *** binning: %d' % params.binning) proj = _binning(proj, params) flat = _binning(flat, params) dark = _binning(dark, params) return proj, flat, dark
def _binning(data, params): data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=int(params.binning), axis=2) data = tomopy.downsample(data, level=int(params.binning), axis=1) return data
[docs]def flip_and_stitch(params, img360, flat360, dark360, theta360): """ Stitch together data for flip-and-stitch (0-360 degree offset center) scan. Parameters ---------- params : dict of reconstruction parameters img360 : projection data from 0-360 degrees, 3D Numpy array flat360 : flatfield data, 2D Numpy array dark360 : dark field data, 2D Numpy array params : parameters for reconstruction Returns ------- ndarray 3D binned projection data stitched together, 0-180 degree domain ndarray 2D binned flat field data stitched together, 0-180 degree domain ndarray 2D binned dark field data stitched together, 0-180 degree domain ndarray 1D array of valid theta values, 0-180 degree domain """ theta_0_180, good_0_180, good_180_360 = reconcile_flip_and_stitch_angles(theta360) num_stitched_angles = np.sum(good_0_180) new_width = int(2 * np.max([img360.shape[2] - params.rotation_axis_flip - 0.5, params.rotation_axis_flip + 0.5]))' *** *** new image width = {:d}, rotation_axis_flip = {:f}'.format( new_width, params.rotation_axis_flip)) img = np.zeros([num_stitched_angles,img360.shape[1], new_width],dtype=np.float32) flat = np.zeros([flat360.shape[0],flat360.shape[1], new_width],dtype=np.float32) dark = np.zeros([dark360.shape[0],dark360.shape[1], new_width],dtype=np.float32) # Just add both images, keeping an array to record whether there was an overlap weight = np.zeros((1,1,new_width)) # Array to blend the overlap region smoothly between 0-180 and 180-360 degrees wedge = np.arange(img360.shape[2], 0, -1) # Take care of case where rotation axis is on the left edge of the image if params.rotation_axis_flip < img360.shape[2] - 1: img[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = img360[good_180_360,:,::-1] * wedge flat[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = flat360[...,::-1] * wedge dark[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = dark360[...,::-1] * wedge weight[0,0,:img360.shape[2]] += wedge img[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += img360[good_0_180,:,:] * wedge[::-1] flat[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += flat360 * wedge[::-1] dark[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += dark360 * wedge[::-1] weight[0,0,-img360.shape[2]:] += wedge[::-1] else: img[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = img360[good_0_180,:,:] * wedge flat[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = flat360 * wedge dark[:,:,:img360.shape[2]] = dark360 * wedge weight[0,0,:img360.shape[2]] += wedge img[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += img360[good_180_360,:,::-1] * wedge[::-1] flat[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += flat360[...,::-1] * wedge[::-1] dark[:,:,-img360.shape[2]:] += dark360[...,::-1] * wedge[::-1] weight[-img360.shape[2]:] += wedge[::-1] # Divide through by the weight to take care of doubled regions img = (img / weight).astype(img360.dtype) flat = (flat / weight).astype(img360.dtype) dark = (dark / weight).astype(img360.dtype) params.rotation_axis = img.shape[2]/2 - 0.5 return img, flat, dark, theta_0_180
def reconcile_flip_and_stitch_angles(theta360): """ Figure out the valid angles where we have images from both 0-180 and 180-360 This is necessary in case their are missing angles. """ theta360deg = np.degrees(theta360) good_180_360 = np.full((theta360deg.shape[0]), False, dtype=np.bool_) good_0_180 = np.full((theta360deg.shape[0]), False, dtype=np.bool_) #Loop across the entries from 0 to 180 degrees from the start point for i in theta360deg[(theta360deg - theta360deg[0]) <= 180]: #If there is a match between 0-180 and 180-360, indicate this is good comparison_array = np.abs(theta360deg - i - 180.) if np.min(comparison_array) < 0.001: good_0_180[np.argmin(np.abs(theta360deg - i))] = True good_180_360[np.argmin(comparison_array)] = True return theta360[good_0_180], good_0_180, good_180_360
[docs]def patch_projection(data, miss_angles): fdatanew = np.fft.fft(data,axis=2) w = int((miss_angles[1]-miss_angles[0]) * 0.3) fdatanew[miss_angles[0]:miss_angles[0]+w,:,:] = np.fft.fft(data[miss_angles[0]-1,:,:],axis=1) fdatanew[miss_angles[0]:miss_angles[0]+w,:,:] *= np.reshape(np.cos(np.pi/2*np.linspace(0,1,w)),[w,1,1]) fdatanew[miss_angles[1]-w:miss_angles[1],:,:] = np.fft.fft(data[miss_angles[1]+1,:,:],axis=1) fdatanew[miss_angles[1]-w:miss_angles[1],:,:] *= np.reshape(np.sin(np.pi/2*np.linspace(0,1,w)),[w,1,1]) fdatanew[miss_angles[0]+w:miss_angles[1]-w,:,:] = 0 # lib.warning(" *** %d, %d, %d " % (datanew.shape[0], datanew.shape[1], datanew.shape[2])) lib.warning(" *** patch_projection") slider(np.log(np.abs(fdatanew.swapaxes(0,1))), axis=0) a = np.real(np.fft.ifft(fdatanew,axis=2)) b = np.imag(np.fft.ifft(fdatanew,axis=2)) slider(a.swapaxes(0,1), axis=0) slider(b.swapaxes(0,1), axis=0) return np.real(np.fft.ifft(fdatanew,axis=2))
[docs]def get_dx_dims(params): """ Read array size of a specific group of Data Exchange file. Parameters ---------- fname : str String defining the path of file or file name. dataset : str Path to the dataset inside hdf5 file where data is located. Returns ------- ndarray Data set size. """ dataset='data' grp = '/'.join(['exchange', dataset]) with h5py.File(params.file_name, "r") as f: try: data = f[grp] except KeyError: return None shape = data.shape return shape
[docs]def file_base_name(fname): if '.' in fname: separator_index = fname.index('.') base_name = fname[:separator_index] return base_name else: return fname
[docs]def path_base_name(path): fname = os.path.basename(path) return file_base_name(fname)
[docs]def auto_read_dxchange(params):' *** Auto parameter reading from the HDF file.') params = read_pixel_size(params) params = read_filter_materials(params) params = read_scintillator(params) params = read_bright_ratio(params) params = read_rot_center(params)' *** *** Done') return params
[docs]def read_rot_center(params): """ Read the rotation center from /process group in the HDF file. Return: rotation center from this dataset or None if it doesn't exist. """' *** *** rotation axis') # Handle case of manual only: this is the easiest if params.rotation_axis_auto == 'manual':' *** *** Force use of config file value = {:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis)) elif params.rotation_axis_auto == 'auto':' *** *** Force auto calculation without reading config value')' *** *** Computing rotation axis') params = find_center.find_rotation_axis(params) else: # Try to read from HDF5 file' *** *** Try to read rotation center from file {}'.format(params.file_name)) with h5py.File(params.file_name, 'r') as file_name: try: dataset = '/process/tomopy-cli-{}/find-rotation-axis/rotation-axis'.format(__version__) params.rotation_axis = float(file_name[dataset][0]) dataset = '/process/tomopy-cli-{}/find-rotation-axis/rotation-axis-flip'.format(__version__) params.rotation_axis_flip = float(file_name[dataset][0])' *** *** Rotation center read from HDF5 file: {0:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis))' *** *** Rotation center flip read from HDF5 file: {0:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis_flip)) return params except (KeyError, ValueError): log.warning(' *** *** No rotation center stored in the HDF5 file') # If we get here, we need to either find it automatically or from config file. log.warning(' *** *** No rotation axis stored in the HDF file') if (params.rotation_axis_auto == 'read_auto'): log.warning(' *** *** fall back to auto calculation') log.warning(' *** *** Computing rotation axis') params = find_center.find_rotation_axis(params) else: log.warning(' *** *** using config file value of {:f}'.format(params.rotation_axis)) return params
[docs]def read_filter_materials(params): '''Read the beam filter configuration. This discriminates between files created with tomoScan and the previous meta data format. ''' if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/attenuator_1'): return read_filter_materials_tomoscan(params) else: return read_filter_materials_old(params)
[docs]def read_filter_materials_tomoscan(params): '''Read the beam filter configuration from the HDF file. If params.filter_{n}_auto for n in [1,2,3] is True, then try to read the filter configuration recorded during acquisition in the HDF5 file. Parameters ========== params The global parameter object, should have *filter_n_material*, *filter_n_thickness*, and *filter_n_auto* for n in [1,2,3] Returns ======= params An equivalent object to the *params* input, optionally with *filter_n_material* and *filter_n_thickness* attributes modified to reflect the HDF5 file. '''' *** auto reading filter configuration') # Read the relevant data from disk filter_path = '/measurement/instrument/attenuator_{idx}' param_path = 'filter_{idx}_{attr}' for idx_filter in range(1,4,1): if not check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx = idx_filter)): log.warning(' *** *** Filter {idx} not found in HDF file. Set this filter to none' .format(idx = idx_filter)) setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='material'), 'Al') setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='thickness'), 0.0) continue filter_auto = getattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='auto')) if filter_auto != 'True' and filter_auto != True: log.warning(' *** *** do not auto read filter {n}'.format(n=idx_filter)) continue log.warning(' *** *** auto reading parameters for filter {0}'.format(idx_filter)) # See if there are description and thickness fields if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx = idx_filter) + '/description'): filt_material = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx=idx_filter) + '/description', char_array = True, scalar = False) filt_thickness = int(config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx=idx_filter) + '/thickness', char_array = False, scalar = True)) else: #The filter info is just the raw string from the filter unit. log.warning(' *** *** filter {idx} info must be read from the raw string' .format(idx = idx_filter)) filter_str = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx=idx_filter) + '/setup/filter_unit_text', char_array = True, scalar = False) if filter_str is None: log.warning(' *** *** Could not load filter %d configuration from HDF5 file.' % idx_filter) filt_material, filt_thickness = _filter_str_to_params('Open') else: filt_material, filt_thickness = _filter_str_to_params(filter_str) # Update the params with the loaded values setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='material'), filt_material) setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='thickness'), filt_thickness)' *** *** Filter %d: (%s %f)' % (idx_filter, filt_material, filt_thickness)) return params
def read_filter_materials_old(params): '''Read the beam filter configuration from the HDF file. If params.filter_1_material and/or params.filter_2_material are 'auto', then try to read the filter configuration recorded during acquisition in the HDF5 file. Parameters ========== params The global parameter object, should have *filter_1_material*, *filter_1_thickness*, *filter_2_material*, and *filter_2_thickness* attributes. Returns ======= params An equivalent object to the *params* input, optionally with *filter_1_material*, *filter_1_thickness*, *filter_2_material*, and *filter_2_thickness* attributes modified to reflect the HDF5 file. '''' *** auto reading filter configuration') # Read the relevant data from disk filter_path = '/measurement/instrument/filters/Filter_{idx}_Material' param_path = 'filter_{idx}_{attr}' for idx_filter in (1, 2): filter_param = getattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='material')) if filter_param == 'auto': # Read recorded filter condition from the HDF5 file filter_str = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, filter_path.format(idx=idx_filter), char_array=True, scalar=False) if filter_str is None: log.warning(' *** *** Could not load filter %d configuration from HDF5 file.' % idx_filter) material, thickness = _filter_str_to_params('Open') else: material, thickness = _filter_str_to_params(filter_str) # Update the params with the loaded values setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='material'), material) setattr(params, param_path.format(idx=idx_filter, attr='thickness'), thickness)' *** *** Filter %d: (%s %f)' % (idx_filter, material, thickness)) return params def _filter_str_to_params(filter_str): # Any material with zero thickness is equivalent to being open open_filter = ('Al', 0.) if filter_str == 'Open': # No filter is installed material, thickness = open_filter else: # Parse the filter string to get the parameters filter_re = '(?P<material>[A-Za-z_]+)_(?P<thickness>[0-9.]+)(?P<unit>[a-z]*)' match = re.match(filter_re, filter_str) if match: material, thickness, unit = match.groups() else: log.warning(' *** *** Cannot interpret filter "%s"' % filter_str) material, thickness = open_filter unit = 'um' # Convert strings into numbers thickness = float(thickness) factors = { 'nm': 1e-3, 'um': 1, 'mm': 1e3, } try: factor = factors[unit] except KeyError: log.warning(' *** *** Cannot interpret filter unit in "%s"' % filter_str) factor = 1 thickness *= factor return material, thickness
[docs]def read_pixel_size(params): ''' Read the pixel size and magnification from the HDF file. Use to compute the effective pixel size. '''' *** auto pixel size reading') if params.pixel_size_auto != True:' *** *** OFF') return params if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/objective/resolution'): params.pixel_size = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/objective/resolution')' *** *** effective pixel size = {:6.4e} microns'.format(params.pixel_size)) return(params) if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detector/actual_pixel_size_x'): params.pixel_size = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detector/actual_pixel_size_x')' *** *** effective pixel size = {:6.4e} microns'.format(params.pixel_size)) return(params) log.warning(' *** tomoScan resolution parameter not found. Try old format') pixel_size = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detector/pixel_size_x') mag = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/objective/magnification') #Handle case where something wasn't read right if not (pixel_size and mag): log.warning(' *** *** problem reading pixel size from the HDF file') return params #What if pixel size isn't in microns, but in mm or m? for i in range(3): if pixel_size < 0.5: pixel_size *= 1e3 else: break params.pixel_size = pixel_size / mag' *** *** effective pixel size = {:6.4e} microns'.format(params.pixel_size)) return params
[docs]def read_scintillator(params): '''Read the scintillator type and thickness from the HDF file. ''' if params.scintillator_auto:' *** auto reading scintillator params') possible_names = ['/measurement/instrument/detection_system/scintillator/scintillating_thickness', '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/scintillator/active_thickness'] for pn in possible_names: if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, pn): val = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, pn, attr=None, scalar=True, char_array=False) params.scintillator_thickness = float(val) break' *** *** scintillator thickness = {:f}'.format(params.scintillator_thickness)) possible_names = ['/measurement/instrument/detection_system/scintillator/name', '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/scintillator/type', '/measurement/instrument/detection_system/scintillator/description'] scint_material_string = '' for pn in possible_names: if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, pn): scint_material_string = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, pn, scalar = False, char_array = True) break else: log.warning(' *** *** no scintillator material found') return(params) if scint_material_string.lower().startswith('luag'): params.scintillator_material = 'LuAG_Ce' elif scint_material_string.lower().startswith('lyso'): params.scintillator_material = 'LYSO_Ce' elif scint_material_string.lower().startswith('yag'): params.scintillator_material = 'YAG_Ce' else: log.warning(' *** *** scintillator {:s} not recognized!'.format(scint_material_string))' *** *** using scintillator {:s}'.format(params.scintillator_material)) return params
[docs]def read_bright_ratio(params): '''Read the ratio between the bright exposure and other exposures. '''' *** *** %s' % params.flat_correction_method) if params.flat_correction_method != 'standard' or (not params.scintillator_auto): log.warning(' *** *** skip finding exposure ratio') params.bright_exp_ratio = 1 return params' *** *** Find bright exposure ratio params from the HDF file') try: possible_names = ['/measurement/instrument/detector/different_flat_exposure', '/process/acquisition/flat_fields/different_flat_exposure'] for pn in possible_names: if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, pn): diff_bright_exp = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, pn, attr = None, scalar = False, char_array = True) break if diff_bright_exp.lower() == 'same': log.error(' *** *** used same flat and data exposures') params.bright_exp_ratio = 1 return params possible_names = ['/measurement/instrument/detector/exposure_time_flat', '/process/acquisition/flat_fields/flat_exposure_time', '/measurement/instrument/detector/brightfield_exposure_time'] for pn in possible_names: if check_item_exists_hdf(params.file_name, pn): bright_exp = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, pn, attr = None, scalar = True, char_array = False) break' *** *** %f' % bright_exp) norm_exp = config.param_from_dxchange(params.file_name, '/measurement/instrument/detector/exposure_time', attr = None, scalar = True, char_array = False)' *** *** %f' % norm_exp) params.bright_exp_ratio = bright_exp / norm_exp' *** *** found bright exposure ratio of {0:6.4f}'.format(params.bright_exp_ratio)) except: log.warning(' *** *** problem getting bright exposure ratio. Use 1.') params.bright_exp_ratio = 1 return params
[docs]def check_item_exists_hdf(hdf_filename, item_name): '''Checks if an item exists in an HDF file. Inputs hdf_filename: str filename or pathlib.Path object for HDF file to check item_name: name of item whose existence needs to be checked path: str path to check. Default to None ''' with h5py.File(hdf_filename, 'r') as hdf_file: return item_name in hdf_file
[docs]def convert(params): head_tail = os.path.split(params.old_projection_file_name) new_hdf_file_name = head_tail[0] + os.sep + os.path.splitext(head_tail[1])[0] + '.h5' print('converting data file: %s in new format: %s' % (params.old_projection_file_name, new_hdf_file_name)) print('using %s as dark and %s as white field' %(params.old_dark_file_name, params.old_white_file_name)) exchange_base = "exchange" tomo_grp = '/'.join([exchange_base, 'data']) flat_grp = '/'.join([exchange_base, 'data_white']) dark_grp = '/'.join([exchange_base, 'data_dark']) theta_grp = '/'.join([exchange_base, 'theta']) tomo = dxreader.read_hdf5(params.old_projection_file_name, tomo_grp) flat = dxreader.read_hdf5(params.old_white_file_name, flat_grp) dark = dxreader.read_hdf5(params.old_dark_file_name, dark_grp) theta = dxreader.read_hdf5(params.old_projection_file_name, theta_grp) # Open DataExchange file f = dx.File(new_hdf_file_name, mode='w') f.add_entry({'value': tomo, 'units':'counts'})) f.add_entry({'value': flat, 'units':'counts'})) f.add_entry({'value': dark, 'units':'counts'})) f.add_entry({'value': theta, 'units':'degrees'})) f.close()
[docs]def write_hdf5(data, fname, dname='volume', dtype=None, dest_idx=None, maxsize=None, overwrite=False): """Write data to hdf5 file in a specific dataset. This function supports partial writing of data through af combination of *maxsize* and *dest_idx* options. For example, to write slices 10 to 16 of a (32, 32, 32) volume:: assert data.shape == (32, 32, 32) file_io.write_hdf5(data[10:16], maxsize=data.shape, dest_idx=slice(10,16), ...) Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Array data to be saved. fname : str File name to which the data is saved. ``.h5`` extension will be appended if it does not already have one. dname : str, optional Name for dataset where data will be written. dtype : data-type, optional By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data. dest_idx : optional A valid index for the dataset such that ``dataset[target_idx] = data`` will properly write the data to the dataset. maxsize : int, optional Maximum size that the dataset can be resized to along the given axis. """ # Extract default values if not given if maxsize is None: maxsize = data.shape if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if dest_idx is None: dest_idx = () # Create parent directory if necessary Path(fname).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Open the HDF5 file so we can save data to it with h5py.File(fname, mode='a') as h5fp: # Delete the dataset if it already exists and is being overwritten if dname in h5fp.keys() and overwrite: del h5fp[dname] # Create a new dataset if necessary try: ds = h5fp.require_dataset(dname, shape=maxsize, dtype=dtype, fillvalue=np.nan, exact=True) except TypeError as e: msg = str(e) + ". Use *overwrite=True* to overwrite existing dataset." raise type(e)(msg) # Save the data ds[dest_idx] = data
[docs]def yaml_file_list(file_path: Path)->List[Path]: """Open a YAML file and return the list of files within. This function does not parse the parameters contained inside, merely returns a list of the files that are referenced. For updating parameters on a per-file basis, use ``config.yaml_args()``. Parameters ========== file_path A pathlib Path object pointing to the file to open. Returns ======= file_list The list of file names found. There is no guarantee that these files are suitable for reconsturction, or even exist at all. """ with open(file_path, mode='r') as fp: yaml_data = yaml.safe_load( file_list = [Path(k) for k in yaml_data.keys()] return file_list
def camera_nonlinearity_correct(data, params): '''Corrects for nonlinearity in the camera Takes data from params to form a spline fit, then uses the spline fit to correct for the camera nonlinearity. Inputs: data: numpy array of camera data params: parameters from config file and command line ''''*** correcting for camera nonlinearity') #Parse the params.camera_signal and params.corrected_signal camera_signal = np.array([float(i) for i in params.camera_signal.split(",")]) corrected_signal = np.array([float(i) for i in params.corrected_signal.split(",")]) knots = np.linspace(camera_signal[1], camera_signal[-2], len(camera_signal)//2) spline_obj = LSQUnivariateSpline( camera_signal, corrected_signal, knots, check_finite = True) temp = spline_obj(data) temp[temp > np.iinfo(data.dtype).max] = np.iinfo(data.dtype).max temp[temp < 0] = 0 return temp.astype(data.dtype)